Here are some tips to help beginners get started with designing clothes:
Look for inspiration: before you start designing clothes, it's important to have a clear idea of what you want to create. Keep an eye out for inspiration from a variety of sources such as fashion magazines, designer's collections, Pinterest, Instagram, and more. You can use these sources to get ideas and inspiration for your own designs.
Start with a sketch: once you have a clear idea of what you want to create, start by sketching your ideas by hand, using a sketchpad and pencil.
Use design software: with a rough sketch of your design, you can use design software like Prêt-à-Template to create a more detailed and accurate version of your design. The software offers a wide range of templates, design tools, and customization options that can help you bring your designs to life.
Use the Puzzle Look feature: one of the most powerful features of Prêt-à-Template is the Puzzle Look feature, which provides endless combinations of templates choosing from a variety of body forms, garments, shoes, bags, and accessories. These personalized templates can help beginners improve their fashion drawing techniques, as they can combine any type of template to create their own unique designs.
Experiment with different fabrics and colors: as you begin to create your designs, experiment with different fabrics and colors to see how they affect the overall look and feel of your designs.
Keep in mind that designing clothes is a process that takes time and practice. The most important thing is to have fun and don't be afraid to make mistakes. With patience and perseverance, you'll be able to create designs that you're proud of.